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Message board > Miscellaneous topics > Hardy 25 actual length (LOA)

Message 4 of 4
Posted by member Peter Cox on Saturday 4 March 2023

Alan - if you look on this site at Members' Pages at the top, then Library, there is the Hardy brochure for the "Twenty Five", which looks like an early version. It quotes an LOA. Further down there is the Hardy range catalogue that quotes another length. Whether all these numbers include bathing platforms, anchors and pulpits isn't stated.

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Message 3 of 4
Posted by member Alan Skea on Saturday 4 March 2023

Thanks Peter. I guess I'll just have to measure her then but it might be tricky getting an accurate reading. I just thought there would be a published spec from the builders giving the actual LOA which I understand is the length of the hull itself without appendages. It's the same I suppose with beam, draught and height (air draught).

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Message 2 of 4
Posted by member Peter Cox on Thursday 2 March 2023

The only "definitive answer" is to get out there with a tape measure. As you say, one length is usually rounded up (or less likely, down) to give the model number but this rarely includes the bathing platform at the stern, nor the projection of the anchor/roller and/or the pulpit over the bow. Some of the different numbers you have seen might or might not include any or all of these. When I first applied to berth my boat at my home marina, I quoted the decimal version of 32' = 9.75m (the Hardy brochure quoting 9.6m), but the stingy marina did get the tape out and decided it was 10.5m to include the anchor/pulpit and bathing platform. A later, more canny, owner had his 32 built to have a folding bathing platform and a folding anchor roller, thus saving several hundreds of pounds per year.

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Message 1 of 4
Posted by member Alan Skea on Thursday 2 March 2023

I've been trying to find out the real length of a Hardy 25.
Looking at advets online I see figures ranging from 7.98m to 8.5m (that's 26'2" to 27'10") but I think these are exaggerated by the seller. Don't boat builders usually round up the actual LOA to the nearest foot to arrive at a model name?
The builders who currently own the Hardy brand don't appear to hold any info on older models, but I did find yachtdatabase.com which gives a more realistic 7.31m (23.98 feet)
Being under 7.5m would save a bit on inland waterways charges.
I would be grateful if anyone has a definitive answer.

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