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Message board > Engines > E 10 fuel update - any further experiences

Message 4 of 4
Posted by member Nick Askham on Sunday 25 September 2022

Hi Martin, thanks for your comment. As an aside, what electric outboard have you got. Regards, Nick.

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Message 3 of 4
Posted by member Martin on Friday 16 September 2022

Agree with Nick’s comments, my emergency standby did not start when tested on 3 month old E10! I was so unimpressed that I have now fitted an electric o/b that will work if rarely used. Also switched to E5 for the main tanks (3 x 25 litres) as I may not keep tank rotation correct.
Martin, Bosun Nirvana

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Message 2 of 4
Posted by member Keith Lewcock on Thursday 9 June 2022

Hi Nick. I run a modern Evinrude Etec 2 stroke and Mercury 4 stroke. If the fuel has a higher ethanol content (E10) it is more likely to block jets and injectors etc. if left unused. After a long winter the main carburettor jet on my new mercury was completely blocked with crud. However it will run fine on E10 provided it is not left unused. So I start regularly (every forttnight) or allow the engine to run dry.
For the Evinrude, with electronic ignition, I was advised to use the E5 (which has a higher octane but lower ethanol) with a fuel stabiliser added.
However my guess is that using E10 fuel is not a problem provided your engine is used regularly. Consider adding a fuel stabiliser and do not leave unused for lengthy period of time. Not an expert but hope this helps

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Message 1 of 4
Posted by member Nick Askham on Wednesday 8 June 2022

Greetings one and all. You might recall that in the late autumn of last year I posted a question regarding my Honda outboard cutting out and about using E10 fuel. I resolved that issue, thanks to all who offered help and suggestions. I am just wondering now if anyone has had any experiences with the new fuel, good or bad, and are willing to share them. As suggested by the engineer who has serviced my Honda, I have been using the E5 super (with its Super price) petrol with no issues. However, as Honda have stated that all outboards produced after 1996 are compatible with E10 fuel, I wonder if it is worth using it. Of course, I believe that Honda saying its outboards are compatible with E10 fuel probably means that the components are unaffected by that fuel, but doesn't necessarily mean that they run better or worse using it. Anyway, folks thoughts and ideas and suggestions would be useful.
Thanks, Nick Askham.

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