Marine Market advertising
Sell your boat or gear here
As well as Hardy Owners Club members, our Marine Market page is frequently visited by prospective Hardy boat owners,
often resulting in very quick sales.
In fact, our record was a boat sold the day it was advertised on this website!
Advertise your boat or gear for one year for just £15.00 (HOC members) or £20.00 (non-members).
And at no extra cost your advert also appears in our club’s printed magazine the ‘Hardy Owner’, published three times a year and posted to all our members.
> Please see further information for advertisers.
Further information for advertisers
- Hardy Owners Club Marine Market adverts can include up to approximately 125 words (maximum 1000 characters) of descriptive text.
- Adverts will appear on this website for up to one year and in our club’s printed magazine the ‘Hardy Owner’,
published three times a year and posted to all our members.
- Please let us know when you have sold your boat or gear so that we can remove your advert and save you from receiving further unwanted enquiries.
- A jpeg (.jpg) format colour photo may be included at no extra cost.
- Advert photos are automatically resized to 350 pixels width maximum. (Smaller photos are not enlarged.)
- All adverts must be prepaid.
- Pay by BACS or by cheque. Adverts paid for by BACS are processed quicker. (Payment details are given on the confirmation email that you will receive after submitting this form.)
- Our website adverts do not allow links to other websites.
- Your postal address will not be published unless requested.
- Your email address is included in your advert for replies but it is encoded to protect it as much as possible from spambots.
- Small changes to Marine Market adverts may be made during the advertisement period. There is a charge of £5.00 for changes.
- During the holiday/boating season we may sometimes be away and there could be a short delay in processing your application, but we will do our utmost to minimise this. Thank you for your understanding.
- If you have any queries please email the HOC Advertisement Manager.