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Message board > Care & maintenance > Domestic Hot Water - Limited volume

Message 1 of 1
Posted by member Robert Ryan on Tuesday 21 April 2020

Dear Hardy Owners, I have just purchased a 2009 Hardy 42.

There is one issue that would be great if anyone has any experience or ideas.

The domestic hot water gets very hot off either immersion or after all-day engine run. There is initially hot water in the aft shower or galley sink, but runs out after less than 4 minutes, which is not enough for a shower.

I am informed that the hot water tank on a 2009 Hardy 42 is 55 liters, but does not seem to be filling up fully with hot water. One suggestion, but not proven, is that their may be an air lock in the hot water tank, and there may be a bleed valve on the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger was recently replaced.

Advice and ideas will be appreciated.


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