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Message board > Care & maintenance > Pilot cabin leaks

Message 1 of 1
Posted by member John Aldridge on Sunday 4 March 2007

Has anyone had problems with water leaking into the cabin via the stainless steel uprights that hold the safety cable along the sides of a pilot 20? I have tried to undo the 5 screws which hold each upright, the two on the top of the gunwhale are like large wood screws (PK screws?) and are easy to remove but the three in the side which appear to be machine screws (threadad for a nut of some description) go 'loose' in half a turn and it's like a nut on the back of the screw is then turning with the screw. I cannot see how to undo these screws as the nut seems to be inside a sealed section in the gunwhale. I was hoping to remove each upright in turn so I could re-seal them to stop leaks into the cabin. Any advice would be most welcome.

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