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Message board > Miscellaneous topics > Calling Hardy owners with a Hardy Pilot built from 1998 onwards

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Posted by member Angie on Wednesday 6 July 2022

I've been contacted by a gentleman in Finland who is in the process of moving his Hardy Pilot 20 from the UK to Finland but their Customs need proff of CE approval. He has been in touch with Cockwells, who have been very helpful, however they don't have the intellectual property of boats pre-2012 to be able to confirm.

Cockwells have advised that in 1998 the European Union created a Recreational Craft Directive that established design standards for most recreational boats from 2.5 to 24 meters (8 to 79 feet). Being that this particular Hardy Pilot 20 was built in 2000 she must have been issued with an EURCD Certificate, along with a Builders Certificate and a VAT Certificate, all of which are required when selling the boat onto another owner.

Would anyone be able to help - the EURCD certificate is generic for the model and not for individual boats.

Thank you

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